
samedi 29 mars 2008

Le fin fond du Kentucky

Selon Fred, c'est à cela que ressemble notre campagne en ce moment. Regardez plutôt:

Le blé monte le long de nos murs, et les nuages semblent parfois toucher la terre.

La lumière est irréelle, on ne sait plus trop bien dans quel pays on se trouve.

3 commentaires:

Jeannie a dit…

Sorry, I know this is in French, but I love your pictures. The view you have is wonderful. Each day I read your blog hoping to see more of the house and life in general there. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us in the world.

Jeannie a dit…

Also, the pictures do look like Kentucky or Tennessee.

Marie a dit…

Thank you for your comments Jeannie. And English is welcome on our blog ! We're having a hard time updating the English version of Près du Puits for the moment (because we don't have the internet at home), but we'll try to post more often, we promise !

Les animaux d'Ouled Emgatel

Le jardin d'Ouled Emgatel

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